The NY Times blames a government ventilator scandal on the private sector
Wonder why the New York Times is accused of liberal bias and dishonesty?
There’s a fresh example on Page 1 of today’s paper of record:
The Times’ long, dull investigative piece tells the scandalous tale of how the U.S. government tried to build an emergency stockpile of ventilators for 13 years, but failed.
According to the fair-and-balanced journalists at the Times, however, it wasn’t government bureaucracy or incompetence or political favoritism or corruption that turned the project into a protracted waste of money that to this day has produced zero ventilators.
It was the fault of the private sector:
“The stalled efforts to create a new class of cheap, easy-to-use ventilators highlight the perils of outsourcing projects with critical public-health implications to private companies; their focus on maximizing profits is not always consistent with the government’s goal of preparing for a future crisis.”
Most of the ventilator fiasco occurred from 2008 until 2016.
Yet, strangely, the name of the president during that time is never mentioned once in a long, detailed story about government failure that was carefully twisted to place the blame on the private sector.